Sunday, April 14, 2013


I recently was able to purchase 4 iPads for my class, and I have 2 more coming in June.  This means that we will soon be an 1:1 iPad class. I have been trying to figure out how to use the iPads in the best way for my students.

We are currently using, and loving, Abilipad.  I have found some great ways to use Ablipad to support the use of Unique Learning System.  Typically, I have my iPad connected via a VGA Adapter to the SMARTBoard so that I can model what the expectations are and how to use the app.

We are using it, mostly, for reinforcing rhyming skills, my students have to verbally label the picture, think about what beginning sound it has, and then spell the word. I tried to recreate my Clicker 5 activity with Abilipad (see the last picture of this post).  

I have discovered the use of Dropbox and it is so easy to share files with this app, I can upload my notebooks/keyboards from Abilipad into Dropbox and instantly my students can access them on their own iPads. 

Here are some screen shots of how we are been using Abilipad:

This is a screen shot of for -ive rhyming, I created a variety of pages in the notebook that has different pictures on each page of a rhyming word for -ive (hive, dive, five, drive, jive and live).

Here is the same idea but for -ake rhyming.  Again, I created a variety of pages in the notebook that has different pictures on each page of a rhyming word for -ake (cake, bake, make, take, brake, wake, fake, lake, quake, and snake)

This was a keyboard that I created back in March for creating sentences that support the vocabulary for March's unit.

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